Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Well done! Comments by our visitors...

Well done to all those students who attended last week's Apprenticeship Event in the Student Centre.  You should know that the overwhelming response from Exhibitors was that they were very impressed with students at our college.  The were particularly complementary about the insightful questions they were asked, and they thought that students presented themselves in a mature and respectful way.  One exhibitor went to great length to compliment the communication skills of our students, saying that this is exactly what employers are looking for when deciding between applicants, and it is just as well - some stands had as many as 40 students signing up for more information about the opportunities they had on offer! 

It is action like this that will help you to prepare for your future when you leave this college, lining up opportunities for a smooth transition into the career you want.

Well done.

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