Monday, 18 November 2019

Construction Apprenticeship Opportunties with JTL

Careers Advisor


Think Again...Think Apprenticeships...Think JTL
Further and/or higher education is widely believed to be the best option for achieving a successful future career however, apprenticeships can offer those who want to start earning a wage straight away a great opportunity to develop a successful career at a much earlier age.
And if you are advising young people with a practical side as to which option to choose following their GSCEs, starting an electrical, plumbing or heating & ventilating apprenticeship might offer them the challenges they want. With the security of a profession long term and excellent earnings potential (fully qualified electricians and plumbers earn average salaries of circa £30k*) working in the building services engineering sector may allow them to achieve what they want from life.
And we're not just talking about males here. The electrical and heating and plumbing world is very male oriented of course - a very small proportion of electricians and plumbers are female, but the number and proportion are growing year on year. As well as females, the sector is actively encouraging young people from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to consider careers as plumbers, electricians and heating engineers, to create a more balanced and diverse workforce.
Apprenticeships can take up to four years depending upon the qualification being studied and can be started at the age of 16 as soon as a young person has obtained their National Insurance number.
JTL, a leading national training provider with over 25 years of successfully delivering electrical and plumbing & heating apprenticeships welcomes applications from all members of the community.
There's plenty of demand for new talent so there’s never been a better time to get started.
Think Again...Think Apprenticeships...Think JTL



*Source: Office of National Statistics - Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2018
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