Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Blended Learning- University of South Wales

New Blended Learning Option Available
With continued concerns over COVID-19 and the effects on University education.  What's better than Flexible Learning?

We now offer the option of STUDYING FROM HOME in Year 1, if students have concerns about being on-campus or the universities have to close their doors later in the year.  Once total confidence has been restored, we can at anytime offer the opportunity to come back on-campus.

Meaning no interruptions in students study and you can even SAVE MONEY by staying at home!

Watch the following video's to see how effective our Blended Learning can be...!
There has been great interest from many Sixth Form & College programs across the UK.

As a result the demand for having a Pre-Recorded Webinar for Teacher/Tutors, Students & Parents to watch has been significant enough for us to produce exactly what was requested.

Remember we are still recruiting for SEPTEMBER 2020! and it is not too late for students to enrol or transfer to this course.
Bsc Football Coaching, Development & Administration Pre-Recorded Webinar. CLICK HERE TO WATCH!


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