Monday, 3 October 2016

Talk at the University of Cambridge for people interested in Mechanical Engineering and ROCKETS!!

Institution of Mechanical Engineers
The IMechE, IET and RAeS warmly invite you, your colleagues, students, families and friends to a talk by Daniel Jubb about his work on the Bloodhound SSC supersonic car and other rockets. It’s free to attend, but we expect demand to be high, so to avoid disappointment you need to book your places at

The talk is on Thursday 13 October, 7.00 for 7.30pm at Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge. 

Free to attend.  Booking is required.  All welcome.  It will be suitable for A-level and older GCSE students studying Physics, science and technology, as well as university students and practising engineers and scientists.

For more details and to make a booking, please visit the event web page

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