Wednesday, 18 April 2012

What kind of person are you?! An Interactive film

Have you ever wondered how employers might see you?  Have you ever wondered what kind of a person you really are?  Do the words  "Psychometric Test" mean anything to you? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes", or if in fact you are simply interested in looking into these issues, then a company called Reckitt and Benckiser have recently released an online, interactive type of character-profiling assessment for you to do.  It is called the Insanely Driven Experience!

Sounds like a box ticking exercise?  WRONG!  This is what is so original about their tool.  Instead of sitting down and ticking boxes about your likes and dislikes, you watch an entertaining (and admittedly surreal!) short film, the outcome of which is determined by your choices to questions that the actors pose.  Simply use your mouse/cursor to indicate your choices, and influence the film accordingly.  It takes about 10 minutes overall and it is more like a game than anything else.  The clever thing about this approach is that the more you immerse yourself in the film, the less likely you are to want to "cheat" your way to a better outcome, and the more fun you will have developing an accurate result.

The results are displayed in a short, downloadable document, giving a profile for you and pointing out your main character traits.  Of course, this is only a tool, and limited by the questions posed and answers given, but it is a really good way to tap into "who you are", and a great start on the road to self-awareness and how this might influence your future career choice.

Have a go by clicking on the following link:

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