Tuesday, 20 September 2011

CBI comments on latest unemployment data - Thinking about the future has never been so important.

Last week the CBI commented on latest official unemployment figures showing the number of people out of work rose by 80,000 to 2.51 million in the three months to July. Neil Carberry, CBI Director for Employment Policy, said: “This rise in unemployment is troubling, particularly the growing number of young people out of work. With one in five 16-24 year olds currently unemployed, tackling youth unemployment must be a priority. Businesses are eager to play their part through apprenticeships, training and work placements, but now the Government must do all it can to create the right conditions for the private sector to create much-needed jobs.”

Thinking about the future has never been so important.  All students should be working with parents, teachers, the Careers Department etc., to try and develop a focus for their future.  The sooner you start, the better you will be in the long run, with well informed insight into the possibilities that lie ahead, and the steps you will need to take to achieve your goals.

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