Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Work Experience Help

Every year, many students undertake work experience as part of their course requirements and the benefits are numerous. Not only does it help them to complete course work, but it also gives invaluable insights into industry sectors they have expressed an interest in. Often, students return with greater self-confidence and a newly found vigour for their studies as they become more committed to the course(s) they have chosen, and more determined to achieve they highest grades they can. It really can mean the difference between mediocrity and enhanced performance leading to a more successful future.

Sadly, in recent times the pressures of recession have forced many employers into a position where they have had to tighten their belts regarding what they are able to offer. This means that it is increasingly difficult to find good quality placements for our students, particularly with Science and Art/Fashion/Photography companies. For this reason, we would like to extend a request to you; if you think you could help our students by offering a work experience placement (in all types of companies), please contact the Careers Department at the college to discuss it. We have a lot of experience in terms of working with many employers and will endeavour to help you to help our students. Simply call the college on 01223 507 400 and ask to speak to anyone in the Careers Department.

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