Thursday, 17 December 2015

KPMG Finance Opportunities for 2016 leavers

Wondering what to do after school or college? How would you like to make a positive, lasting impact on business, governments and society? At KPMG, you can. We offer two School and College Leaver Programmes, open now for 2016 start. We will also work with you to identify and develop your strengths so you can reach your full potential and shape the career that’s right for you.
Our KPMG360° apprenticeship programme gives you the opportunity to work across a range of business areas, giving you depth and breadth of experience, whilst gaining a professional qualification. You’ll have the flexibility to discover where your interest and potential come together.
One of our recent KPMG360° starters, Anna Brown, had planned to go to university but decided at the last minute to apply to our Glasgow office and start her career straight after her A-levels. She hasn’t looked back since! Take a look at her story here.
If the idea of combining work and study appeals to you, the Audit School and College Leaver Programme allows you to obtain a degree in Accounting and Finance, whilst gaining hands-on experience and developing your expertise as a business advisor.
On both programmes you’ll benefit from leading training and development programmes, a dedicated Professional Qualification Team (PQT) to support you, and work alongside some of the brightest minds in business.
A diverse business requires diverse personalities, characters and perspectives. KPMG is passionately supportive of fostering an inclusive culture and we are proud to be founder members of the 30% Club and a ‘Business in the Community Top Employer for Women’. There really is a place for you here.
Apply now
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All rights reserved.
KPMG LLP, 15 Canada Square, London, E14 5GL

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